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Global Young Academy (GYA) accepts applications from scientists


GYA_Logo_20150318_oneColor-01The Global Young Academy (GYA) provides a valuable platform for scientists working in research-based disciplines, including the natural and physical sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts. To apply, a PhD or equivalent degree is required, as well as a strong commitment to making a positive impact in society.


The GYA is committed to supporting young scientists worldwide and promotes the communication of science to a wide audience. The Academy is also involved in political debates and promotes international and interdisciplinary cooperation. Applicants should ideally be in the early to middle years of their independent career, i.e. no more than 10 years after their doctorate and between 30 and 40 years old. However, applications from people outside this age group are also welcome.


Members of the GYA are encouraged to actively participate in the annual General Assembly and engage in various programs of the organization.This may include involvement in "science for policy" or "policy for science" initiatives, support for science outreach, and collaboration with other young academies worldwide. Membership requires a time commitment of approximately 4 hours per month.


The next Annual General Meeting of the GYA will be held in Hyderabad, India from June 10-13, 2025.This provides an excellent opportunity for new members to network and actively participate in shaping the scientific community.The GYA is a dynamic organization that offers young scientists the opportunity to raise their voice and make a significant contribution to society.


The application must be submitted before September 18, 2024, 23:59 (11:59 PM) UTC.

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International Running Dinner: September 13


We are happy to announce the first international running dinner! Sharing food is sharing culture and we would like to peek into each other's kitchens and recipes to share a night full of flavor and fun. So, save the date and make a big mark on September 13th in your calender!


Wait, ... "Running Dinner"... what is that actually?
It's a dinner with 3 courses where each course is prepared by other people and offered at other people's houses:

  1. Station 1 - Appetizers (5:30pm): You will begin your culinary journey at the first host's place. Savor some delightful starters while mingling with your fellow PhD students. But don’t get too comfy—because the clock is ticking!

  2. Station 2 - Main Course  (7.30pm): After enjoying the appetizers, it’s time to dash off to the next host for the main course. Remember, you’ll be working up an appetite on the way there, so lace up your running shoes and head off to the next destination!

  3. Station 3 - Dessert (9:30pm): Finally, satisfy your sweet tooth at the third place. As the night winds down, you’ll have a chance to relax and swap stories while you savor a sweet treat

  1. Station 4 - After party (11pm): The night’s not over yet — join us for an epic after-party at the Unitheke! Let’s keep the fun going with good vibes and meet all participants of the running dinner!


And now... how does it work?

After registration, we will build teams of 2 persons who will be assigned to prepare one course — starter, main course, or dessert — for a group of 6 people (including yourself). Let your culinary imagination run wild and pick a dish you’d love to share with your guests—whether it’s your favorite comfort food, a national dish from your homeland, or a creative concoction you’ve always wanted to try. Being teamed up with a partner allows you to share the shopping and prepping, making it a fun and chat-filled experience! Once the teams are set, we’ll send out a personalized running plan: each team will host one course at their place and visit two other homes for the other courses. The plan will include the timing and locations for each course. Get ready for a delicious adventure!

How do I participate?

Are you caught up and ready to stretch both your legs and your social life? Then don't hesitate and register for the running dinner using the following link:

Important note: Please note that we will request your contact details to help manage the running dinner. By registering, you agree to share your address with other participants so they can find your place for the event. Your information will be used solely for this purpose.

A Few Tips:

  • You’ll be paired with another PhD student, and together you’ll host one of the courses. Don’t worry if your cooking skills are more “microwave” than “master chef” — it’s the company that counts!
  • Each course will take place in a different home, so we need plenty of volunteers to host a group of 6 people. When you register, you can choose whether or not you'd like to be a host. The more kitchens we have, the more delicious fun we can share, so everyone would appreciate your support in making this event a success!
  • Running shoes recommended! You’ll be moving between locations, so make sure you’re ready for action. Bring comfortable shoes, your tram ticket, or bike to move around locations in between the courses.
  • During registration, you'll have the opportunity to specify any dietary restrictions. When preparing your meal, please respect the restrictions and preferences of your guests.
  • Time is short! Try to make any preparations in advance, if possible. During the dinner, keep an eye on your watch to not delay the next course.

Any questions left? Don't hesitate to contact us in case of any questions (

We can’t wait to see you all for a night of delicious food, laughter, and maybe even a little bit of running.


Christopher and Charlotte

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COMETiN is back


The women's qualification program COMETiN@GraduateAcademy offers intensive support to female scientists in qualification phases (mature PhDs & PostDocs) in actively shaping and aligning their professional future. Whether aiming for a professorship, a leadership role in academia or research, pursuing a career in industry, or gaining insights into starting your own business, this program is designed to support you. Through various modules, you can continuously engage with the planning and implementation of the next steps on your individual development path, expand your skills, and build a network with other females in Magdeburg. The program is conducted bilingually (in German and English).

More information and details on how to apply online

Deadline: September 15, 2024

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