Postdocs | Junior Research Groups

Transdisciplinary Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation


From October 10-12, 2024, Heidelberg University will host an academy for early career researchers funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the topic of “Transdisciplinary Instruments for Climate Change Adaptation - hei_INSTRUMENTS”. The academy is open to researchers in early career phases at all German universities and research institutions and will be held in German.

You can find further information on  the website .

The application deadline is September 8, 2024

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Permanent funding programmes for Postdocs


A large number of foundations and funding organizations offer many different funding opportunities for the post-doctoral phase.

Please find a collection here.

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Scholarships Daimler and Benz Foundation


Each year, the Foundation awards twelve scholarships to selected postdoc researchers, junior professors, and heads of junior research groups. The objective is to reinforce the autonomy and creativity of the up-and-coming generation of scientists and to pave the way for the committed researchers’ careers during their productive postdoc phase.

The funding amounts to €40,000 per scholarship for a period of two years and can be used for various purposes, for example to

  • finance scientific assistants,
  • technical equipment,
  • research trips or
  • participation in conferences.

With its regular meetings of young scientists in this steadily growing network of scholarship-holders in Ladenburg, the Daimler and Benz Foundation also promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas. The funding program is open to applicants from all scientific disciplines; there are no restrictions regarding subject area. The Foundation is particularly pleased to receive applications from the hitherto underrepresented fields of the humanities, social sciences, and cultural studies.

Application deadline: October 1, 2024

All information online

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VW Stiftung: Democracies under Change


Programme: Transformational Knowledge on Democracies under Change – Transdisciplinary Perspectives

This funding programme of the Volkswagen Stiftung addresses social challenges caused by processes of change in democratic structures. Scientists and partners from (civil) society work together to address these issues and use the research results to develop recommendations for action for relevant players in politics, business or (civil) society.

Next deadline: 29 October 2024

More details and information for applicants can be found here.

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DFG Info Events on Scientific Careers


DFG Logo_blau_SProspects: Lecture Series on the DFG funding instruments for early career researchers

Join the online talk and get to know the DFG and its funding portfolio for postdocs. An overview of all funding instruments for the time after the PhD is offered, as well as specific focus talks on the Walter Benjamin Programme, the Emmy Noether Programme and the Heisenberg Programme. Advice is provided on how to prepare your proposal for the review process and your questions will be answered. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines are welcome to join!

 The Webex participation link will be published on the website shortly before the event. Registration is not necessary and not possible. Please note that the possible number of participants is technically limited to 1,000 people.

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Last Modification: 14.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster