Conference presentation- 12.02.-13.02.2024- EN - onsite
Realization in presence.
The seminar language is English.
Target audience:
PhD students and postdocs with some presentation experience.
This is an action-oriented workshop led by a theater/theatre professional whose expertise is to help the speaker convey the meaning and relevance of the work and the core message of the speech. Repetition is an important aspect of the training to help participants strengthen the narrative, emotional tone and physicality and physicality of the speech to define and support the speaker's own dynamic style.
- Introducing yourself concisely: practicing your pitch
- Winning over the audience for your presentation
- Emphasize the strengths and individual style of the speaker Speaker
- Improve your body language
- Effectively promoting yourself
- Developing strong tactics for effective communication
- Making contacts and connections
- Sharing best practices for effective networking
- Receiving video feedback
- Voice and body techniques
- Partner work/role play
- Speech practice and analysis
Course time:
- 12.02.-13.02.2025, von 09:00Uhr- 17:00Uhr
- Ric Oquita, Impulsplus
Kostenfrei für Promovierende und Postdocs in Magdeburg.
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