EU Green "3-Minutes Fame" Competition for Phd candidates!
PhD students from all EU GREEN Alliance universities are invited to participate in the “3-Minute Fame” competition! Share your research through a three-minute video, showcasing your work to an international audience.
How to participate:
> Create a three-minute video explaining your research in an engaging way in English language.
> Submit your entry through the official platform.
> Only for OVGU applicants: You can get professional support from the Media Center from 20.01.25 to 24.01.25. Download OVGU Media Center Support.
What’s in it for you?
The top 3 winners of each university will present their work at the 2025 EU GREEN PhD Summer School in Parma, Italy (Jun 9-13, 2025), joining a community of researchers from across Europe!
Deadline: Submit your video by February 25, 2025, 12 CET
Learn more and registeronline.