Postdocs | Junior Research Groups

Permanent funding programmes for Postdocs


A large number of foundations and funding organizations offer many different funding opportunities for the post-doctoral phase.

Please find a collection here.

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DFG Info Events on Scientific Careers


DFG Logo_blau_SProspects: Lecture Series on the DFG funding instruments for early career researchers

Join the online talk and get to know the DFG and its funding portfolio for postdocs. An overview of all funding instruments for the time after the PhD is offered, as well as specific focus talks on the Walter Benjamin Programme, the Emmy Noether Programme and the Heisenberg Programme. Advice is provided on how to prepare your proposal for the review process and your questions will be answered. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines are welcome to join!

 The Webex participation link will be published on the website shortly before the event. Registration is not necessary and not possible. Please note that the possible number of participants is technically limited to 1,000 people.

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PostDoc in the USA? Yes, please!



Seize the opportunity and experience the USA with the Fulbright Research and Teaching Program.

Postdoctoral scholars interested in a three- to nine-month teaching or research stay at an academic institution in the U.S. are invited to apply. Apply now and become part of the worldwide Fulbright network.

Applications can be submitted at any time, but at least nine months before the planned start of the stay.

For questions about the Research and Teaching program, please contact


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Last Modification: 14.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster