Postdoc Newsletter 7/2024

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Dear colleagues,

welcome to the July newsletter with the latest information.

Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) has been around for a number of years in the US and UK to celebrate the outstanding contributions of postdocs to academia and science.

In 2022, colleagues from the Munich Postdoc Network (especially from Helmholtz Munich and the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry) and of Leibniz University Hannover began to establish PAW Germany.

In 2023, 60 organizers from all over Germany took part and offered 130 events, twice as many as in 2022.

This year, the Graduate Academy of the OVGU is also participating with the 2 following workshops, thus complementing the nationwide program (available by end of July). Feel free to register for the workshops now.

Postdoc Appreciation Week 2024

Register now!

Grant Proposal Writing

16. | 17. | 27. September and 02. October, 9 am - 12.30 pm respectively, Seminar language: English, online


Mental Health for Postdocs

17. September, 9 am - 4 pm, Seminar language: English, online


Register now!

In-depth workshop "Conflictmanagement for prospective managers"

04. and 05. September, 9 am - 5 pm, Seminar language: German, on-site

Postdoc Social

Postdoc Social Register now!

Postdoc Stammtisch 

Take the opportunity to chat with Magdeburg postdocs and enjoy drinks and food (on self-pay basis).

When? 23 July 2024, 6 pm

Where?  Beer garden Schweizer Milchkuranstalt Fürstenwall, Schleinufer 8, 39104 Magdeburg

Registration here


COMETiN Save the date

The COMETiN programme for female scientists will start a new series from October 2024 under the responsibility of the Graduate Academy.

COMETiN consists of four modules: COACHING, MENTORING, TRAINING AND NETWORKING. Registration is possible from August by email to



DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (in English)

29.08.2024, 4.00 - 5.30 pm




Futher news

 Did you know that the city of Magdeburg  offers information events and guided tours for national and international talents and wants to continuously expand them? If not, then subscribe to the Newsletter "Welcome Talent" offered by the City of Magdeburg.

The latest information is summarized in "Welcome Talent III/2024".

As always, you can find all further information on events and funding opportunities in the News Portal. More valuable information for Postdocs can be found on the Postdoc websites

Picture credit


Picture 1: Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie; picture 4: Julia Solerti, büro54 Nutzungsrechte bei der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck; picture 5: DFG

Wishes, suggestions and questions can be send to

Last Modification: 15.07.2024 - Contact Person: Christiane Hedtmann