Legal Advice
Legal Advice by the Studentenwerk
Sometimes questions or problems arise, and require the professional legal advice of an attorney. Your Studentenwerk offers a competent contact person for such cases.
Finding a Lawyer
via the Deutscher Anwaltverein - German Bar Association
Database of Translators
With this database of translators and interpreters, the State Justice administrations have created a platform to provide information on the officially authorized, appointed and sworn-in translators and interpreters in the individual states of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Deutscher Anwaltverein
The Deutscher Anwaltverein - German Bar Association has a foundation to support victims of politically motivated violence.
Littenstraße 11
10179 Berlin
Tel.: 0 30 / 72 61 52 - 0
Fax: 0 30/ 72 61 52 - 1 90
Application for Compensation Money at the Federal Office of Justice
Victims of extremist attacks and victims of terrorist offences can apply to the Federal Office of Justice for a so-called hardship benefit. These are financial resources which are made available by the German Bundestag every year. This financial assistance, which is provided voluntarily and as a signal of society's solidarity with the victims of extremist and terrorist violence, is intended to reach those affected as quickly and directly as possible.
> Dept counselling - Schuldnerberatung (in German)
Schuldner- und Insolvenz-Beratung der AWO
Schuldner- und Verbraucherinsolvenzberatung in Magdeburg des Paritätischen