
With the help of the habilitation, the qualification for independent research and teaching in a subject area is obtained. It is linked to the teaching qualification (Lehrbefähigung). In many disciplines it is still the formal qualification for a W2 or W3 professorship.


For your habilitation, you usually have to achieve the following:

  • Habilitation thesis or proof of equivalent academic achievements (for example, leadership of a junior research group, junior professorship).
  • Proof of courses held
  • Habilitation lecture with colloquium and teaching sample


The faculties regulate the requirements, admission, implementation and final examination in their respective habilitation regulations (German only).


Please decide on habilitation if you know whether habilitation is necessary in your field in order to qualify for a university professorship.

If you want to habilitate, you need a professor who supports your project. The relationship is typically much less close than during the doctoral phase.

Depending on the faculty, the so-called habilitation-equivalent or equivalent achievements (see recruitment requirements for W2 and W3 professorships) are sufficient for qualification for a university professorship.

Last Modification: 16.02.2023 - Contact Person: Christiane Hedtmann