Financing/ Own third-party funds

Postdoctoral researcher often support their supervisors in the preparation of third-party funding applications. For the own academic profile it is more important to have successfully submitted independent proposals or at least as a named co-applicant. The funding rate at the DFG is 35%. For successful proposals, you should be able to present your research ideas appropriately and have planned the project well. The Graduate Academy regularly offers workshops on third-party funding in German and English.

The OVGU's Research Funding Advisory Service/EU University Network supports you in questions regarding research funding and the application for third-party funding, the search for suitable funding sources for your research, helps you with the classification of the project idea, with the application and, in the area of EU research projects, also with the contract negotiations and project management as well as with the search for partners.

During the course of the year, information events on the DFG's funding portfolio are held for researchers in the advanced career phase, alternately in German and English. At the DFG, the Emmy Noether Program or the Heisenberg Program are suitable for the advanced postdoc phase.

Further funding opportunities can be found under Calls & Jobs.

Last Modification: 20.02.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster